UWE Animation Graduates Credited in New Star Wars TV Series
UWE Animation Graduates Credited in New Star Wars TV Series
Recent UWE Animation graduates Amy Dolphin (2021 graduate) and Mani Sandhu (2019 graduate), have been working on the new Star Wars series, ‘The Book of Boba Fett’, which is now streaming on Disney Plus.
Amy began working with Primary VFX on the series in September 2021, focusing on lighting and texture work. She’s really enjoyed being back in the office working as part of a small, closely knit team, and continues to work with them on multiple projects.
When asked how she got involved in the series, Amy explained, “I worked on an indie film after graduation with Saul Freed from SulkyBunny. This was due to a recommendation from Alex Joy, a fellow animation graduate with whom I collaborated on several occasions during my time at UWE, most notably on our second year film Flying Farting Llamas. Alex was working at Moonbug for Jay Woolley, who was producing for Saul at the time. Saul and my old Animation tutor Steven Roberts both recommended me to Primary, where I was then asked to work on Boba Fett.”
“My advice to current students is to take advantage of enterprise week [where industry guests are invited to speak to students, share knowledge, and view their work] in their final year, and to collaborate as much as possible – it’s your fellow students and contacts you’ve made through university who will often help you get your next job after graduating. Make an impression not just on animation companies, but on your peers and lecturers.”
Steven Roberts, an Animation tutor who also worked on the Boba Fett series, said “Amy was a pleasure to teach on the undergraduate degree, and I had no hesitation in recommending her for the role at Primary. Not bad going, getting your first professional credit on a Star Wars TV show! I’m sure it will be the first of many for her”.
All episodes of the Boba Fett series are now available to watch on Disney Plus.
Flying Farting Llamas, Amy Dolphin and Alex Joy (2019): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZOhl6Ha3ySw
Primary VFX: http://primaryvfx.com/
SulkyBunny: https://www.sulkybunny.com/
Moonbug: https://www.moonbug.com/
Amy’s Work: https://amydolphinart.wixsite.com/mysite
A cyborg modifier holding a self-cauterising scalpel, designed and modelled by Amy Dolphin for Jellyfish Pictures (2020)
(First appearance) (In flashbacks)
The Book of Boba Fett – “Chapter 4: The Gathering Storm”
The Book of Boba Fett – “Chapter 7: In the Name of Honor”