UWE Animation graduates making big impact on Aardman’s ‘Very Small Creatures’ series

UWE Animation graduates making big impact on Aardman’s ‘Very Small Creatures’ series

UWE Animation graduates Lily Goodwin and Freddy Moorshead have been working on Aardman’s exciting new series. We heard from Lily, who told us more about her role on the project:

‘This year I’ve had the amazing opportunity of working on Lucy Izzard’s The Very Small Creatures Series 2 for Aardman. The series follows the adventures of Green, Yellow, Blue, Pink and Orange.

My role on the series as Assistant Animator was to oversee the making of the puppets ready for the animators, and testing sequences which required custom-shaped puppets to make sure the replacements animated smoothly. We ended up making 900 replacement puppets for the standard sets, as well as the customs, taking our total to over 1000 puppets for the series. 

I was also fortunate enough to animate shots on multiple episodes. We had a talented team of experienced animators working on the series, so it was quite nerve-wracking initially animating alongside them but they were so kind in offering advice and guidance. Throughout the series I could feel my confidence grow and my animation skills improve leaps and bounds. 

The whole crew have put so much time, craft and love into the series, I’m excited for everyone to see it. The first 10 episodes are available now on Sky Kids, with the final 10 episodes airing later this month.’

To keep up to date with more news on the project, follow Lily at https://www.instagram.com/lilygoodwin_animation/