Tova Persson wins top writing award at RTS national award ceremony

Recent UWE graduate Tova Persson has won the RTS craft award for writing, which is contested across all undergraduate categories. This is a huge win and offers well-deserved recognition for Tova’s sharp, funny, and emotive script in her final year film, ‘Offerlam’.
UWE senior lecturer in Animation, John Parry, attended the night, along with UWE filmmaking staff who also saw their talented students and graduates win a whole host of awards.
Tova said, ‘It feels surreal to have ‘Offerlamm’ be recognized by the RTS and even more surreal to be recognized for a Craft Award in writing! I have never written a script to this extent before and am blown away by the positive response it has received. It’s amazing to know that all the hard work done on this film paid off, especially due to the amazing efforts of my animation crew, leading star Arril, my sound team, and of course thanks to the support of my supervision group and Luis [Cook, senior lecturer in Animation]! ‘
‘I had such a wonderful time at the ceremony where I got to meet other winners and nominees. Being in such a warm and welcoming environment of filmmakers and close friends made the award feel even more special. I am over the moon and super grateful.’
And what is she up to next?
‘I just wrapped up my latest role at A Productions where I worked together with an amazing team as a scene prep artist! Now I am taking a summer break and heading home to Sweden for a month to catch up on some portfolio work and start looking for my next job opportunity in Bristol.’
Congratulations Tova on this incredible win, and congratulations to all of the UWE filmmakers who swept the awards. UWE students were nominated in 6 categories at this years National Awards which is an unprecedented achievement, and came away with the following four awards:
Best Writing across all Undergraduate Filmmaking
Tova Persson for Offerlamm
Robbie Wrecked the Band – Best Comedy Drama (Undergraduate)
Chloe Ireland, Patrick Whinder-Montague, Indigo Knox Thompson, Sam Schoettner & team
Best Editing across All Undergraduate Filmmaking
Indigo Knox Thompson for Robbie Wrecked the Band
Best Camerawork across all Postgraduate Filmmaking
Miles Storey for Finding Solo
You can find out more about the RTS animation winners in this article.
Keep up to date with Tova’s work via her website and instagram.